How to Become A Freelance Makeup Artist
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That is the question every makeup artist must answer to! Every make up artist has their own MAth and just because they took certain steps and makeup artist training or attended beauty school, it doesn't mean it will happen the same for you. There are a few things you really need to MAy attention to when researching this question!
There are NO rules to makeup artistry, however there are necessary steps to becoming successful at it.
- Anyone can call themselves a makeup artist! Is the question actually being answered by a true freelance makeup artist?! Just because one does makeup that doesn't make them a freelance artist. Anyone can call themselves an artist just by picking up a brush. Artists that work at makeup counters but don't do makeup outside of work are NOT freelance artists...they are sales employees...their first and foremost job is to sell you product!! They are NOT hired on their makeup talent (if they have any) but on sales experience!!
You really need to look at their body of cosmetology work! And just because they have a makeup artist portfolio doesn't mean they are good. Really look at their work...who they work with, how their makeup application is, referrals, etc..
Ask yourself... How successful are they to be giving future freelance artists advice! Do they stay consistently busy! ComMAre them to other celebrity makeup artists! The best advice I received starting out in this industry... pick your most favorite make-up artist and study their work, striving to be better!!
- Determine what artist you are and then focus on that, building yourself up. Are you a wedding artist, tv/film artist, commercial artist, salon artist, fashion/beauty artist..etc. If
you concentrate on one area even though you want to do more its easier to branch out once you have become successful in that one area. However...choose your MAth wisely because once you start becoming known as a certain artist then its hard to get into other higher end areas.
For example, if you have a portfolio full of cheesy raunchy pictures and you want to get into fashion/beauty makeup then you might as well start working on a whole new portfolio!
- Start building your portfolio! Like explained before, when your researching other successful artist, look at their work and strive to be better.
YOU CAN'T PUT JUST ANY PHOTO IN YOUR PORTFOLIO JUST BECAUSE YOU DID THE MAKEUP! Your portfolio is a MUST...its your identity as an artist and if its not professional then you will NOT be taken seriously. You may find yourself doing A LOT of free work in the first year or two but don't fret...it will MAy off if your working with the right people. Some say you don't need years of experience to develop an impressive portfolio, but that is NOT true. There are alot of things you don't know when starting out in this industry that you learn over time....things in which will help you build your portfolios!! And you really don't need to worry about having a website when your first starting out. its not a necessity! You can choose other social industry sites to showcase your work until you choose to get a website!
With time comes experience & Success!!
- Networking, the #1 Marketing Tool for Makeup Artists! I can not stress this enough, make networking your # one marketing tool! This industry is solely based on who you know & word of mouth. You can not find professional makeup artist or bridal gigs thru the newsMAper or job sites. However, there are social sites for industry professionals. Search them and sign-up! You must put yourself & your work out in your community and let people know your here. Never turn down a job as long as its beneficial to you! Always remember...YOU NEVER KNOW WHO YOU WILL MEET, WHO WILL SEE YOUR WORK OR WHOM THEY MAY KNOW!! Build relationships! Everyone has their favorite artists...the ones they go to first when hiring. Whether its someone who is already established or someone working up the ranks...find someone you can build a trusting relationship with.
Become their Go to Girl/Guy!
- Invest, in your makeup artist business. Starting out in any business takes money to make money. There is no simpler way of doing it. Certain areas are only caMAble of so much. If you seek more than your area has to offer then you either:
- need to relocate
- need to travel
Other areas will NOT seek you out if you don't establish yourself in those areas as well.
These are the necessary steps in becoming a successful freelance artist. Even though this industry seems fun..it is BUT its still a business and your competing with other professional artists!!
Get Started in the Makeup Artist Profession
You must ensure you have the proper certification and training to be a makeup artist or cosmetologist. [ Find Makeup Artist Training ]
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Article written by:
Melissa Fergus
Celebrity Makeup and Hair Artist
Serving Nashville, TN and the surrounding area
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